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This conversion of a redundant railway line into a linear park is a model for successful regeneration, says Carl Turner
I’ve always had a great interest in the spaces between buildings, almost more than the buildings themselves. I’d seen drawings by Diller Scofidio + Renfro of the High Line so when I visited New York in 2010, this was one of two places – along with SANAA’s New Museum of Contemporary Art – that I really wanted to see. But just after we arrived, there was one of those legendary New York storms and to my massive disappointment, the High Line was closed because of the blizzards on our first two days. On day three on the way to the airport, we rather forlornly tried again. It had just stopped snowing and so finally, to our relief, we were able to experience this amazing place covered in snow and with hardly anyone else up there, which made it even more memorable.
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