All Archive Titles articles – Page 50
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All together now
Greenhill Jenner’s Harmony Children’s Centre in Brent, north London, does what it says on the tin – it reconciles the building’s varied uses by sticking to simple, flexible geometries. Even the few niggles are resolved amicably. Photographs: Charlotte Wood
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You had to be there
I was pleased to see from the Wood Awards supplement (RIBAJ Nov 05) that timber is once again getting positive recognition in design and construction.
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Word on the street
David Adjaye’s new Idea Store in Whitechapel wants to make borrowing a book as easy as buying a bag of chips. Does it work? Photographs: Edmund Sumner/view
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Salt & vinegar
Alison Brooks Architects’ flood-resistant beach house adds a sharp tang to the fishermen’s cottages of the Essex coast. Photographs: Cristobal Palma
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Speed reads
Architectural Digest: Hollywood at HomeEdited by Paige RenseAbrams Press, £21.95Coffee-table books and glossy magazines have long focused on the way architects and designers negotiate the homes and personalities of the rich and famous. Architectural Digest performs this role with ease, presenting 27 of the Hollywood homes that have featured in ...
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In my opinion
So the first posthumous and 10th Stirling Prize was awarded to Miralles and the Scottish Parliament for a highly specific and allegedly expensive building. T
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Know your place
I can match Will Carruthers’ cautionary tale (Letters, RIBAJ October 05) with another, also set in the 1950s. That is, at least in the importance of dress in those days, if not in the ignorance of the layman as to just what an architect is – or does – even ...
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Human nature
Human nature dictates that we do not lose any sleep over what might happen: after all, we reason, while watching the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina and then Rita, Britain does not lie in the Gulf of Mexico or in the path of tropical storms.
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Mystery guest
There’s a peculiar tendency to rely on assumed knowledge in architectural talks and teaching.
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Things can only get wetter
Demand for development land means more and more flood-risk areas are being built on. How do architects design safe, resilient and insurable structures?
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Ornamental fruit
This is a big small exhibition. You will find it at the Architectural Association Gallery, which is appropriate because underlying the ‘As Built’ title of the recently published monograph of the practice’s work is a rich academic foundation.
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Letter from Exeter
Pupils of West Exe Technology College in Exeter should be well rested when they return after half term. They were given an extra week for the move to their new school, except it isn’t happening.
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Double whammy
Simon Conder’s conversion of three derelict farm buildings in Northamptonshire picked up the prize for best private home and the overall gold award for best project in this year’s Wood Awards.
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Who is Mario Botta?
New claimants may have rather eclipsed him of late, but he is still Switzerland’s greatest living architect, according to the Swiss embassy.
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Bill Mitchell’s spiky columns
Bill Mitchell’s spiky columns for RIBA Journal over the past two years have just been published by MIT.
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The bigger picture
Snell Associates has punched through the Arnolfini’s floor slabs and reworked the circulation to give the famed Bristol gallery room to breathe. Photographs: Dennis Gilbert/view
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Stirling Prize + RIBA special awards
Houses and flats dominated the special awards at last month’s Stirling Prize, which went to the Scottish Parliament - a decision that met a mixed reaction from the audience at the Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh. Only one of the seven special awards went to a public project, the Sage ...
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Innovation award
Fibre C, a super thin concrete with a glistening surface, has won the 100% Detail/RIBAJ innovationaward.
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Soundbites aren’t enough
I was disappointed to read Jack Pringle’s column (RIBAJ October 05, page I). I thought he would be beyond ‘sound bite’ utterances.
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Aliens from Arkansas
Gigantic, ruthlessly expanding box-in-a-car-park retailers like Wal-Mart destroy the ancient, mutually beneficial relationship between commerce and public space.