All Archive Titles articles – Page 56

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    Brief encounter - Jeremy Till


    As chair of the RIBA awards group you need a good eye and a grasp of the real world.

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    Beyond demolition


    Increasing demolition is only one of several possible actions that 40% House investigates (RIBAJ May 05).

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    Who was Basil Spence?


    A prolific architect whose reputation is about to be revived, that’s who.

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    Together again


    It’s not often Berlin approves a glass-fronted building, especially in the heart of the city next to the Brandenburg Gate.

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    Don’t repeat the 60s


    There is a bizarre notion that the resources taken to decant, demolish, remove, rebuild and restock streets of housing will be more energy efficient and ‘sustainable’ than those needed to renovate and improve existing stock (RIBAJ, May 05, page 60).

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    25,000 spotlights


    The first match in Herzog & de Meuron’s new Allianz Stadium in Munich, between home team TSV 1860 and 1.FC Nuremburg last month, saw the debut of its dramatic facade when 25,000 spotlights set into 1056 rhomboid ETFE cushions showed the TSV colours.

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    Up sticks and stay


    Arup’s community resource centre in the deprived neighbourhood of West Ham and Plaistow can be dismantled and rebuilt elsewhere using the same component parts. But it has proved such a success, it is unlikely to be going anywhere.

  • Archive Titles

    Speed reads


    David Adjaye Houses Edited by Peter AllisonThames & Hudson, £29.95David Adjaye has covered a lot of ground very quickly; houses, a library, interiors – even a garden hut. It’s an impressive record for someone who, as his admirers never tire of pointing out, is not even 40. But Adjaye stands ...

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    Spit and polish


    With its 314 glass winter gardens, the Brunswick Centre is a surprising but worthy winner of the Activ in Architecture competition.

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    Making a splash


    Kennedy Fitzgerald’s Falls Leisure Centre is a brave and deliberate break with Belfast’s seige mentality architecture.

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    Who is Qingyun Ma?


    A product of China’s building boom, that’s who, with a portfolio of projects that add up to almost a million square metres.

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    Liberty print


    The recent Forget Me Not exhibition at Bradford’s National Museum of Photography, Film and Television has forced some critics belatedly to recognise that the form and function of photographs can be as important as their pictorial qualities.

  • Miguel Angel Roca’s School of Arts at Córdoba in Argentina
    Archive Titles

    It’s spreading


    Catherine Croft, who is the director of the Twentieth Century Society, starts this book by describing how as a child in the 1970s she used to go to Denys Lasdun’s National Theatre and run her fingers over the rough texture of the concrete.

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    Power House


    Pressure is mounting for new buildings to generate at least some of their own energy. Could mini combined heat and power systems be the answer?

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    Go with the flow


    ‘Brisbane Must Burn’ is one of the more bizarre contributions to this year’s International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, curated by West 8 landscape architect Adriaan Geuze.

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    Emissions impossible?


    The only hope we have of meeting the government’s domestic carbon emissions target is if we take tough decisions now on both new-build and existing housing stock, says a new report. But some of those decisions are proving too much for conservationists.

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    No prizes for school design


    The setiments in last month’s editorial about school design and procurement reflect some of the conclusions of the national panel of judges for the Civic Trust Awards, which I chaired this year.

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    Down the depot


    Ash Sakula has turned an old bus depot in Leicester into 50 quirky studios for creative tenants

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    Demolition isn’t wholesale


    Adam Wilkinson’s article on the so-called indiscriminate wish to demolish pre-1919 housing in Pathfinder Areas (‘Fight them on the terraces’, RIBAJ April 05) rather misses the point.

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    Mancunian candidate


    Stephenson Bell has introduced a striking but respectful newcomer among the historic buildings of canalside Manchester.