All Archive Titles articles – Page 57
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Camp Cupcake rules
When Martha Stewart freed from her electronically maintained virtual prison, she may find herself bounded by a world bearing an uncanny resemblance to the one she has left.
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Designs in the slop bin
Your leader last month calling for a Jamie Oliver-style campaign against PFI schools did not point out the most serious schools design issue for the profession.
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Going for best in class
Amanda Baillieu’s editorial in the April issue of RIBA Journal made me think about twizzlers, turkeys and school design in a wider context.
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Performance artists
A knitted silk cap from Spain made in the 18th century seems out of place in an exhibition entitled ‘Extreme Textiles: Designing for High Performance’. However, its technical structure speaks volumes and has inspired a new direction in the development of materials and their application.
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Sweet talking ways
Hard-wearing, quick-growing, ecologically sound and great for the local economy, sweet chestnut is a timber that deserves a great future.
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Watch this space
Buschow Henley’s new hall for Caldicott School in Buckinghamshire is evidence of enlightened commissioning – and the architecture is alive with possibilities.
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Speed reads
Modern House ThreeBy Raul BerrenechePhaidon Press, £39.95It is difficult to say anything new about the modern house, and even harder to find projects which have not already been featured in magazines and other books, but that does not stop publishers from having a go. This is because books about houses ...
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Pub trawl
Anon-English friend of mine once observed that it is only Brits who go out with the express purpose of getting completely drunk. I can’t quite believe that, but what does seem true is that our approach to alcohol consumption is – a bit like a lager shandy – at least ...
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In my opinion
London County Council ran from 1886 to 1965 with a record of innovation in many areas. Transport, housing, education and town planning all set examples admired and imitated the world over.
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Portrait of a nation
Dixon Jones has been announced as the winner of the international open competition for the National Portrait Gallery of Canada in Ottowa.
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Material universe
Forget the BRE, today’s fabrics are tested in the most extreme environments, from resisting high winds off Cape Horn to saving the lives of mountaineers and patients in surgery.
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Azman Architects’ design for the bar at RIBA headquarters plays a Jekyll and Hyde trick, hiding the bottles by day to reveal their true nature by night.
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History made simple
International Arts & Crafts Exhibition, Victoria & Albert Museum, 17 March - 24 July 2005
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Heart of steel
Arup has breathed life into Vauxhall’s suffocating road transport system with the sleek design of its new bus station.
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House of fun
A strict budget hasn’t prevented Glas Architects having some fun with its multi-purpose hall for a prep school in Sheen. By Jan-Carlos Kucharek.
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Fitting tribute
Known as Cinderella House by its residents, Peter Barber Architects’ annex to St Mungo’s hostel for the homeless has been shoehorned into an incredibly tight space.
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Fight them on the terraces
Far from preventing housing market collapse, the government’s Pathfinder programme is pushing communities over the edge - and taking the country’s architectural heritage down with it, says Save Britain’s Heritage.
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Is everyday not iconic?
I read Alain de Botton’s article in your February edition with increasing interest.
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Tangerine dream
Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s Gates installation in Central Park gave New Yorkers a vivid and powerful new vision of Olmsted and Vaux’s famous green rectangle.
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Stop digging
Your item What is Welsh Architecture? (RIBAJ March 05) appeared on a news page but reads as an opinion piece – and a pretty mean-spirited one.