Ike Ijeh on the 2019 Stirling Prize shortlist
By Ike Ijeh2019-07-18T08:54:00
BD’s architecture critic on this year’s six contenders
As with every RIBA Stirling prize there are a few surprises and lots of predictable certainties. Of the latter category the first and foremost entry is that Richard Rogers under the current guise of Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners and previously the Richard Rogers Partnership, has now clocked up his tenth Stirling nomination for the Macallan Distillery and Visitor Centre in Moray. This now equals the record of that other Stirling stalwart Foster + Partners and between them, no other architect has received more Stirling nominations with David Chipperfield coming second with eight. Should Rogers win he will also join Foster as the only architect to have won the Stirling Prize three times.
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