MMC in school design should be treated with openness, not suspicion
Modern methods are nothing for architects to fear and could actually protect design quality, argues Sheppard Robson’s James Jones
Schools being built using modern methods of construction (MMC) is inevitable. In fact, it’s happening already. But what does this mean for architects?
Some architects already have experience with MMC schools of one sort or another – 3D volumetric or 2D panelised – and others are quickly gearing up as they work with teams on the Department for Education’s (DfE) offsite framework. However, it is probably fair to say that there is still a suspicion in the profession that MMC in schools is part of a move away from quality design towards utilitarian, non-designed, bulk-buy educational spaces.
Considering the vast number of school buildings across the country and the importance of good educational environments, it is entirely proper for government to take a rigorous and analytical approach to school design and quality.