All David Rudlin articles – Page 3
The problem of shrinking cities
As the world approaches peak people, what does this mean for our cities, asks David Rudlin
Of politics and pitched roofs
If architects were prepared to let go of the shibboleths of the style wars they might find some unexpected allies, writes David Rudlin
The dangers of white sky thinking
We should be wary of attempts to geo-engineer our way out of the climate crisis, writes David Rudlin
In the battle against austerity we need the Mighty Morphin Whalley Rangers
A new report for the Quality of Life Foundation focuses on what communities can do to shape their areas, writes David Rudlin
Unlocking the code with one of its authors
Writing exclusively for Building Design, David Rudlin, who worked on the new national model design code, argues it will give ammunition to planners
The Octopus has lost a leg
What the withdrawal of Stockport means for the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework
Arcadia lost
As high streets go for a Burton, David Rudlin looks back at how the seeds of destruction were sown
Which pigeonhole are you in?
Social profiling has become big business and high tech. David Rudlin traces its history back to a team of Victorians pounding the streets
Consider the consequences before shutting out the traffic
Low-traffic neighbourhoods might sound like a good idea, but we should be wary of just jumping on the bandwagon, David Rudlin writes
What exactly is chrono-urbanism?
David Rudlin asks the questions we would have been asking down the pub
What does your bookshelf say about you?
It’s not just about giving a good impression on Zoom, says David Rudlin. Having the right books to hand remains essential for a stimulating work environment
Learning from lockdown: What are city centres for now?
If we’re all happy at home, living in our 15-minute neighbourhoods, can CBDs survive, asks David Rudlin?
It might have felt that way, but racism is not a thing of the past
Racism never disappeared – it was just hidden in people’s heads, even our own, writes David Rudlin
How to win the peace
Now is the time to establish a design quality unit for England, argues David Rudlin
Learning from lockdown: Will everything really be different afterwards?
For all those predicting a brighter future or a post-pandemic doomsday, history shows that a return to normality is more likely, writes David Rudlin
Covid-19 threatens our high streets just as they were fighting back
The so-called death of the high street was mostly about the failure of big chains, writes David Rudlin. Until now
Sheffield steels itself for the cruellest cut
The good news is Sheffield’s urban design team has been shortlisted for an award. The bad news is they probably won’t be around to receive it
Scruton’s beauty report is an unexpected joy
Many of us worried about the focus on beauty but the BBBBC has produced a well-considered and potentially important report, writes David Rudlin
Housing that hits the heights of mediocrity
David Rudlin considers how we should respond to today’s National Housing Audit
How the success of our cities goes some way to explaining the election result
Cities once led regional growth. Now they grow at the expense of their region, writes David Rudlin