All Eleanor Jolliffe articles – Page 7
A season of goodwill and peace to all men?
Eleanor Jolliffe reports from a building at the crossroads of history
We should be preaching to the converted
Why does a hostile public still equate ‘modern architecture’ with glass and steel when so many architects are designing exactly the kind of buildings they should love, asks BD’s student columnist Eleanor Jolliffe
Public apathy in the Stirling Prize is a critical issue for architecture
Biggest night in the architectural calendar? Unfortunately, writes BD’s student columnist, the public barely noticed
So, why do you want to be an architect?
A generation gap separates first-year architecture students from part IIs, finds BD’s student columnist
The provincial towns we jog round
The Scottish referendum shows that we must stop our London obsession, argues BD’s student columnist
Housing the UK is an opportunity not a crisis
We have enough homes but they’re owned by the wrong people, argues BD’s student columnist
Shaking hands with the devil
Should architectural ambition ever yield to other considerations, asks BD’s student columnist
Why architecture won't be an election issue any time soon
The profession must use its creativity to raise its profile, argues BD’s student columnist
Don't listen to me: what do I know?
BD’s new student columnist, Eleanor Jolliffe, argues that students are the last people who should be consulted by educational reformers