Council said plans contibute towards its goal to create life sciences cluster in Whitechapel

AHMM’s plans for a nine-storey life sciences scheme in Whitechapel have been narrowly approved by Tower Hamlets council.

Members of the council’s strategic development committee voted five in favour and four against planning officers’ recommendation to approve the scheme yesterday evening.

Designed for ife sciences developer Lateral, the 100 to 1346 Cavell Street scheme will provide a total of 9,500sq m of floorspace including both laboratories and office space.

It will require the demolition of a two-storey former clothing factory on the site which was built in 1916 and is not listed or locally listed, but considered to be a non-designated heritage asset.

Whitechapel AHMM site

The site’s existing building was completed in 1916

Since 2022 the existing building has been mainly occupied by property guardians, people who live vacant buildings for reduced rent to ensure they are properly maintained and to deter squatters.

Planning officers described AHMM’s proposals for the site as a “high quality design” which would make significant improvements to the surrounding public realm, while contributing towards the council’s objective to create a life sciences cluster in Whitechapel.

The scheme would also contain affordable space and a ground floor “Knowledge Centre” with space for seminars, teaching and science exhibitions.
