Draft proposals to go out to consultation after council cabinet approval

Liverpool city council has laid out plans to support the delivery of 2,000 homes a year by 2030.  

A draft housing strategy, which will be presented to the council’s cabinet next Tuesday, proposes to double the proportion of affordable homes built in the city. 


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The city is forecasted to grow by 40,000 households in the next 20 years

A little more than 10,000 homes were built in Liverpool over the past five years, but just 11% were classified as affordable. 

Councillors will be asked to approve the launch of an eight-week consultation on the strategy, which, if implemented, will shape a housing programme worth a billion pounds or more. 

The strategy also seeks to address the fact that 20% of properties in the city do not meet the “decent homes” definition. 

Another key focus is to set out a major retrofitting programme to improve insulation and heating sustainability standards as data shows 18% of households are living in fuel poverty.  

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The programme would also reduce the carbon footprint of the city’s housing stock, which currently accounts for 33% of the city’s carbon emissions. 

Liam Robinson, leader of Liverpool council, said: “Housing is the foundation for building a better quality of life, enabling residents to access the services they need to thrive.  

“Good quality, suitable housing is also a major contributor to the successful economic future of the city and it helps the council better address the needs of its most vulnerable residents. 

“This draft strategy outlines our ambitions for improving the city’s housing offer and addressing the housing emergencies that are emerging within Liverpool and nationwide. 

“It is a six-year strategy but one which also takes a longer view, seeking to support the housing needs of current and future residents, to progress towards net zero, support the competitiveness and attractiveness of Liverpool and to create the conditions to unlock future opportunities across the economy, health, education, and transport. 

“Achieving these ambitions will be reliant on the council securing strong support from residents and stakeholders for the vision set out in this strategy. Delivering the plan will also require intelligent collaboration with our partners, including the combined authority, government and its agencies, developers, investors and housing providers.” 
