All Opinion articles – Page 39
Is the tall tower debate all out of proportion?
We have got our knickers well and truly twisted over towers. The latest campaign to save London’s skyline is targeted at rich foreigners not poor planning or sloppy architecture, says Amanda Baillieu
Palestine doesn't need the RIBA
The RIBA’s pointless actions are sowing division and discord, says Ike Ijeh
Ebbsfleet could be something special
Kent town needs to be redesigned — but not as a garden suburb, says Hank Dittmar
'How we can sell one-bed flats in London for less than £150k'
Former East London Community Land Trust director Dave Smith explains the thinking behind the pioneering housing project
The writing’s on the wall
Egyptian buildings have a language all their own, says Gillian Darley
Would the loss of Sainsbury’s eco-store be a blow for sustainability?
The building’s architect Paul Hinkin argues for preservation, but Robert Park says the idea of sustainability is changing
As ever, the changing face of BD reflects the industry
Whether in print or online, BD has always been at the heart of the debate, says Ellis Woodman
What would Cedric Price make of it all?
Price poked fun at earnest campaigners who mourned the passing of his building, recalls Amanda Baillieu
Is the McAslan scheme the right one for Smithfield?
Is an office complex really best for the former market site?
Why the Houses of Parliament need a reshuffle
Nathan Silver offers a radical reworking of the circulation around the Palace of Westminster
Flickrs of interest amid the perfection
The truly democratic expression of architectural media is on the photo-sharing site, says Owen Hatherley
Green Deal will need more than extra funds to thrive
Politicians must commit to tax breaks if programme is to address its huge shortfall, says Ellis Woodman
Our high streets are full of possibility
Commercial change is here to stay and we must shape our urban spaces accordingly, says Ellis Woodman
The solutions to floods lie in our past
Look to our historic water management practices to evolve traditional urban and architectural patterns for today, says Hank Dittmar
Crystal Palace plans must rediscover Joseph Paxton’s vision
Is reconstruction about commerce rather than community, asks Ellis Woodman
Making it good with engineered wood
Architects are exploring the rich potential of timber, says Ellis Woodman
Government must help urbanists tackle flood risk
LDA Design chairman Robert Tregay calls for a natural environment strategy
Scotland's plan for architecture is full of ambition
Ignore claims of a crisis, says Peter Wilson, the profession is thriving north of the border
Celebrating the ICA’s contemporaries
The institute’s 60th anniversary pays fitting tributes to Richard Hamilton and Jane Drew, says Gillian Darley
Scots must join the fight for their built environment
Talk of independence highlights how politicians in both camps are failing its architecture, says Ellis Woodman