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As we look back on our year and prepare for the one ahead, Louise Rodgers explains how to shift from a closed-mind state to an open one with space for new thoughts and ideas
As we speed towards the end of another year, I am sensing more than the usual fatigue. Everyone seems to be trying to complete their 2021 to-do list and at the same time prepare for the festive period.
Given that it has been another extraordinary 12 months, this is not altogether surprising. We have become so accustomed to living with a certain amount of uncertainty, that the need to constantly adjust to changing circumstances has become subconscious, like standing on one leg in a yogic balance. This may have left us with even less time for reflection than normal.
I often draw coaching sessions gently to a close by asking my client to spend 10 minutes reflecting on their takeaways from the session and writing them down. Then we spend a few minutes talking them through before we say our goodbyes. This seems especially important just before Christmas, when you know that lots is going to happen between now and when you see them again.
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