All Stone articles – Page 2
Up on the roof
A solar water heater designed to sit within the roofscape has been launched in the UK.
Home truths
Former accountant Carol Atkinson has built the UK’s first straw-bale holiday home in East Yorkshire, and is now leading courses on how to build with it.
BaleHaus, the ‘carbon bank’ home
Devised by Bristol-based architect White Design and engineer Integral, BaleHaus is a eco-home made of straw
Maccreanor Lavington’s pioneering mixed sustainable housing in Amsterdam
The Luycksterrein community in central Amsterdam is a rich mix of live-work and private-social space
Where Bill goes, the rest are sure to follow
Phil Clark looks at the key eco-tenets of BedZed progenitor and sustainable housing pioneer Bill Dunster
Building Study
Pitman Tozer Architects’ lean, green sliver of a house in west London
Architect Luke Tozer did not stint when designing his own house to strict environmental standards on the very narrowest of sites
Building Study
The Pines Calyx - curvy carbon-neutral conferencing
The Pines Calyx building in Dover, designed by Helionix Designs, is the most sustainable conference and events venue in the UK. With energy consumption figures attached
Has ‘zero carbon’ become meaningless?
The term zero carbon risks becoming a way of hiding a multitude of sins.
Bennetts Associates Architects' Wessex Water HQ reviewed
Will Jones returns to a landmark sustainable building, Wessex Water Operations Centre at Claverdon Down, Bath, and reveals the post-occupation data for the scheme
Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios' Heelis HQ for the National Trust, Swindon
How a sustainable agenda and low-tech design made for an eco-conscious building
Eco-home success
If you fancy reading about a real success story, Great Bow Yard: Anatomy of an Eco Build is worth dipping into.
Green design means fewer drawings, greater trust
By reducing wasteful practices, such as unnecessary drawings, we make better use of time and energy
Code makes greens cross
Sustainable Code levels 5 and 6 are not as energy efficient as they look
Working to tight targets
Air leakage tests are now compulsory for many new non-residential buildings, but a huge number are failing. Amanda Birch looked at how four buildings fared
Living up to carbon claims
Verifying a building’s performance under Part L brings new challenges
Adding biofuel to the fire
The government says biomass could provide a sustainable means of heating UK homes, but is this remotely practical?
How green is your footprint?
After BD exposed the large amount of air travel by some of the UK’s biggest practices, Karen Glaser looks at how other architects are cutting their carbon emissions
Recycled materials reduce a building's carbon footprint
The high profile of renewable energy is making recycling look green around the gills.
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