All articles by Amanda Baillieu – Page 11
This time no one’s blaming architects for the riots
Since the last time Tottenham flared up, the profession has emphasised community consultation but is it reaching the right people?
Ticking all the wrong boxes
Hull University’s pre-qualification questionnaire shows how innovation is stifled in British architecture.
Ten reasons why Tories hate architects
New claims that architects have made nearly £100 million in fees from BSF mean it’s all out war between the Conservative Party and the profession.
Why Pat Tindale is my hero of the week
Pat Tindale’s death is a reminder of a time when architects addressed practical problems rather than strove to be on the style pages of magazines
Let's hear it for plain English
If Design Council Cabe had more powers would it be make any difference to the quality of what’s built. Of course it wouldn’t.
A manual for the Big Society
A new book shows how civic collaboration is creating an alternative economy
How to breach the Chinese wall
China’s rapid urbanisation means work opportunities for overseas practices. But cultural empathy can be just as important as design talent.
Don't call in the heavies
Architect Michael Phillips faces professional and financial ruin. His crime? Trying to get paid.
Everything’s up in the air
The main issue affecting public funding for architecture is a lack of clarity about the future
It’ll take a murder to redevelop villages like Midsomer
Osborne’s planned liberalisation of the planning system will not rest easy with the last bastions of Englishness
The kids get to go to Legoland
Architectural quality is important admits the government, as long as it’s not footing the bill.
Hurray for Catherine Siu
Peter Morrison’s email to RMJM staff shows a remarkable lack of sensitivity over the company’s failure to pay salaries on time.
On the brink of extinction?
The number of architects is wildly out of scale with the reality of the jobs market but don’t expect RIBA to do anything about it.
The only certainty is change
A new report spells out how the profession must learn to adapt to survive
An emerging market crawls back under its rock
Feilden Clegg Bradley has become the first firm to pull out of Libya over revulsion at events of the last few days, but should it have been there at all?
A planning law unto themselves
Rogers’ hideous One Hyde Park is another example of how London allows celebrity architects to build pretty much anything
Spurs is right to show Olympic stadium the red card
It’s bad value for money, probably the least sustainable stadium ever built and it’s no good for football – no wonder Spurs want to pull it down.
Who should take over design reviews?
Who should take over design reviews? In an open letter to the housing minister, Amanda Baillieu wonders whether Riba is the right organisation to take on Cabe’s advisory service