All Archive Titles articles – Page 66

  • Archive Titles

    Speech was Charles’ own


    Last month Jules Lubbock claimed to have moulded, if not scripted, most of the architectural and planning view of Prince Charles, set out in his Hampton Court speech (‘Much loved friend?’, RIBAJ July 04, page 12).

  • Archive Titles

    The Pompidou Centre


    The Pompidou Centre, champion of architectural design competitions, aims to demystify them in a new exhibition. After selecting a consortium led by Shigeru Ban to design its regional outpost in Metz last year (design pictured), it is showing the winning scheme and the five runners-up to offer an insight into ...

  • Archive Titles

    Canter through history


    Autumn fashion always gives a nod to horsey types and this year the proper setting for those booted models brandishing whips is being celebrated in a new book, British Stables.

  • Richard Best
    Archive Titles

    Brief encounter: Richard Best


    Lord Best is director of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, which is marking 100 years of campaigning for better housing.

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    Triumph of the Barbican


    Fifty years after the first plans of the Barbican were drawn, it is enjoying a new status as a pioneer of mixed-use inner city redevelopment.

  • Archive Titles

    Dawning of new age values


    Architectural salaries have only risen slightly in the past year, according to the RIBA’s annual employment and earnings survey. But the demand for staff has given more bargaining power to both young and older architects.

  • Archive Titles

    Abuse on all sides


    What purpose was meant to be served by Bill Mitchell’s piece ‘The discomfort zone’ (RIBAJ June 04)? The most cursory reading of human rights reports in the Middle East illustrates untold abuses throughout the region, with people screaming in agony as Mitchell wrote.No doubt the women being stoned and raped, ...

  • Archive Titles

    What is a street?


    An urban playground for all ages – or it should be, says Danish architect and urban consultant Jan Gehl, who has studied street life in cities across the globe.

  • Archive Titles

    Watch this space


    dRMM’s innovative work for an ailing school in south London is already raising academic standards.

  • Archive Titles

    System needs overhaul


    Competitions are well past their sell-by date.

  • Archive Titles

    Mouse that screamed


    My attention has just been drawn to your piece on Geoff Shearcroft's exhibit at the Fantasy Architecture exhibition in Sunderland (RIBAJ April 04, p9).

  • Archive Titles

    Let's rev up the service


    I thought your May leader on competitions was spot on and good points were made in the letters in response to it.

  • Archive Titles

    Lead the way


    In your June leader you suggest it is 'a good time for the profession to begin a campaign' regarding the energy performance of buildings and to 'make a statement on the carbon consumption of every new building'.

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    Start green revolution now


    It was very encouraging to read your call to action for architects to help cut carbon emissions (Leader, June 2004).

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    The great office revival


    A virtual slump in the capital's commercial property market has led many developers to move to the regions where redevelopment, refurbishment and good design are reviving optimism.

  • Archive Titles

    Much loved friend?


    Prince Charles' outburst first against carbuncles and then glass stumps left the profession stunned and outraged. But 20 years on, far from having a negative impact on the quality of new architecture, he has revolutionised urban design, argue his supporters.

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    Knocking on heaven's door


    Foster and Partners' cosmic skyscraper, St Mary Axe, might seem to be on the side of the angels. But the fit-out brings you gently back to earth.

  • Archive Titles

    The remake's a disaster


    Your thought-provoking June leader, which mentions the 1970s film The Towering Inferno, brings to mind the fact that the ground-breaking ceremony for the Freedom Tower, on the Ground Zero site, will take place on 4 July.

  • Archive Titles

    Special deeds


    With so little guidance for designing a school environment for children with autistic spectrum, architects may feel left in the dark. But there are some success stories to follow.

  • Archive Titles

    Competitions work for us


    Your May 2004 leading article expressed concern at recent RIBA competitions.