Project could deliver 200 homes for city-council-owned vehicle OX Place

Redbridge Paddock 2

Source: BPTW

The River Thames at Redbridge Paddock in south Oxford

South London-based practice BPTW has been appointed to work up proposals for new homes on a 4.9ha brownfield site near the River Thames in the south of Oxford.

The commission, from Oxford City Council’s OX Place housing company and construction firm the Hill Group, will provide “sustainable, attractive mixed-tenure homes in a neighbourhood that celebrates its remarkable natural surroundings”, BPTW said.

Redbridge Paddock, which is earmarked for the scheme, is a former landfill site that was assessed as being suitable for 200 new homes in an exercise conducted for the city council in 2020. The paddock is opposite Redbridge Park and Ride and adjacent to Kennington Roundabout on Oxford’s Southern Bypass Road.

Earlier this month Oxford City Council announced a series of ground investigations would take place at the site in the coming weeks to shape plans for the proposed housing development.

The council said a first round of community consultation for the new homes could begin early next year.

Redbridge Paddock 3

Source: BPTW

