Briefing – Page 43
On the outside looking in
The 2012 Olympic Games were trumpeted as a victory for the entire UK, but the list of architects selected to work on the athletes’ village has sparked bitter accusations of heavy London bias.
Is your old school holding you back?
Private education still dominates the professions, but how much is architecture affected?
Brown must be more than green to stop industry blues
Clients, architects and commentators tell the new prime minister what he needs to do for architecture
Was SMC's bubble bound to burst?
To join the debate add your comments in the box below.To read Will Hurst’s analysis of the story behind Stewart McColl’s departure from SMC, click here
McColl’s out but what now for SMC?
Stewart McColl’s sudden departure from SMC last week left the group in disarray. But how did such a success story fall so far — and so fast?
Is this game over for the ‘Terry Venables’ of architecture?
The driving force behind SMC has been demoted after an investor revolt. Is his business model for architecture finished?
Tessa’s poor performance
Just days before outgoing ODA chairman Jack Lemley revealed his frustrations with the British government, BD met Olympics minister Tessa Jowell at the RIBA conference in Venice, and found she had a very shaky grip on her brief.
Design jobs for the boys?
As the London mayor’s design unit prepares to expand its operations, practices left out in the cold have accused it of favouritism and a lack of transparency.
Lord Rogers’ urban revolution
The government taskforce charged with halting the decline of English cities has published its interim report. How will it go about its job?