Dyson Airblade™ hand dryer

The only hand dryer that literally scrapes water from hands

It’s the fastest hand dryer – and it’s hygienic, too, purifying the air before blowing it onto hands. And because it uses up to 80% less energy than warm air hand dryers, it costs less to run and can help lower a project's carbon footprint.

You put your hands under other dryers, rub them a bit, then give up and wipe your hands on your trousers. It’s something that’s always annoyed me.

James Dyson

The problem with other hand dryers:

They’re too slow – some take as long as 44 seconds to dry hands. It’s because of their motors. They can’t create enough airflow to remove more than a little water from hands – while slowly evaporating the rest. They can’t filter the bacteria from the air before it reaches your hands either – that’s unhygienic.

The problem with paper towels:

They’re expensive to buy, re-stock and dispose of – and they generate landfill. By changing to the Dyson Airblade™ hand dryer, you can make immediate savings and help reduce your project’s carbon footprint.

10 second dry time

Sheets of air travelling at over 400mph scrape water from hands like a windscreen wiper.

Costs less to run

Dries 19 pairs of hands for the price of a single paper towel.*

Uses up to 80% less energy than warm air hand dryers

Patented Dyson digital motor spins 88,000 times a minute – delivering a much faster dry time using less energy.

Carbon footprint

The only hand dryer awarded the Carbon Reduction Label.

The only truly hygienic hand dryer

A HEPA filter removes over 99.9% of bacteria from the air used to dry hands.

To illustrate how this works, we set up a special test in a ‘smokebox’ to show how the HEPA filter in the Dyson Airblade™ hand dryer removes bacteria from the airflow. This ensures the air that dries your hands is hygienically clean.

Touch-free operation

Starts and stops automatically. No dirty buttons to press.

Easy to clean

Sealed casing infused with anti-microbial additives eliminates 99.9% of surface bacteria.

Tough and durable

Robust, vandal-proof casing.

5 year guarantee

Comes with a 5 year/350,000 uses guarantee covering parts and 1 year labour guarantee.

The Dyson Airblade™ hand dryer adheres to NSF protocol P335 and is the first and only hand dryer to be NSF certified.

“The Royal Society for Public Health considers that the Dyson Airblade™ hand dryer is a significant step forward in hand dryer technology and hygiene.”

The BSF welcomes Dyson’s approach to promoting skin health and hand hygiene through its revolutionary hand dryer

* Calculations based on average paper towel cost of £0.01 and an electricity charge of £0.11 per kWh. Source: Eurostat electricity prices. Per use calculation based on AB03 hand dryer.
The Carbon Reduction Label is the registered trade mark of the Carbon Trust. The NSF logo is the registered trade mark of NSF International. The RSPH logo is the registered trade mark of The Royal Society for Public Health. The handprint logo is the registered trade mark of the British Skin Foundation.