All articles by James Austin
Pants on Fire
The chances of being caught out on a lack of BIM knowledge have risen significantly
Stop! Carry on…
I’m a self confessed twitter addict, but since the New Year, I must admit that I have been a little quiet (by my standards anyway).
Say Cheese...
I was copied in on a report last week. It came from a ‘lessons learnt’ workshop that was held on a large project we have been working on for over 3 years
Hey Laser Lips...
In the past few weeks, we have truly seen the start of the conference season
Every little helps...
I’ve been absent from my post for a few weeks because I was foolish enough to take a holiday, and the ensuing backlog of meetings and emails has taken its toll.
You say tomato, I say tomato...
I was asked to speak at a conference last week, and as the invite extended to the full day, I decided to sit in the morning session ahead of my slot to see what it was all about.
National Institution...
I’ve now had this conversation three times in the last week, so in typical fashion, I thought I’d share it with you all.
Want that one...
OK, so I took a holiday. Sorry it’s been so long, but I actually had to stop writing this blog and get on with some work. Everything’s fine now though, back to normal.
Love it or Hate it...?
One of the first things that I say about BIM when I first introduce it to anyone is that it is all about people, and it doesn’t replace the need to talk.
I have a dream (team)…
My tongue-in-cheek representation of my ‘dream team’ BIM implementation – bear with me…!
Go go gadget BIM…
I was a little bleary eyed on Sunday morning when I turned the TV on, so I was pretty happy when I realised it was time for BBC Click.
Now build me some bim…
I spent some time last week back in my role as a bim coordinator, part of which involves helping to advise a major contractor on its national 4D implementation strategy.
Standard Patter
Before I went away on my holiday, I was invited to participate in the upcoming revision of the AEC (UK) Bim Standard for Revit.
To me, to you…
I’ve been busy this week, writing a guest blog for the NBS and something that I discussed in that post came up again today, so I thought I’d expand on my point here.
On your marks…
I have no doubt that BIM is now coming to our shores - my question is how quickly BIMwash will follow, if it isn’t already here…