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Riverside proposals were approved by Richmond council after revisions
The mayor of London has rejected Squire & Partners’ revised plans to turn one of Britain’s oldest breweries into a mixed-use development on a 200m stretch of the Thames.
Sadiq Khan told a London Assembly representation hearing yesterday that the public benefits offered would ”not clearly outweigh the harm”. He sid he was particularly concerned about the amount of affordable housing.
The plans, for the 9ha site of the Stag brewery in Mortlake, south-west London, were approved by Richmond council last year after amendments that would have seen the number of homes increase to around 1,250 with around 30% ”affordable” – up from the 17.5% originally proposed. The GLA wants all new schemes to include at least 35% affordable housing but the developer said the 30% figure was agreed on condition that they also built a new secondary school.
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