All Australia articles

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    RSHP completes Arden Station as key element of Melbourne’s metro expansion


    Project is a collaboration with Hassell and Weston Williamson + Partners

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    Sydney Central Station upgrade and metro interchange completes


    Working with John McAslan + Partners, Woods Bagot has led a project to increase capacity at Sydney’s main rail hub

  • JMP_Waterloo Metro Station, Sydney, Australia ©Peter Bennetts (13)

    John McAslan + Partners completes new Sydney metro station


    Waterloo Station opens as part of Australia’s largest-ever infrastructure project

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    Women in Construction: Sarah Ball, principal, Woods Bagot


    Jordan Marshall talks to the Woods Bagot principal leading the practice’s Adelaide and Aukland studios as part of a Women in Construction special produced by our sister title Building in conjunction with Gleeds

  • Capella Sydney_all existing facades have been retained and restored_(c)Tim Kaye

    Make transforms former government office building into new Sydney hotel


    Early 20th century office building by George McRae has been restored and extensively remodelled

  • Mark Middleton index

    If you’re considering a move to Australia, expect ‘heaps’ of difference


    From working on major infrastructure projects, to embracing the growing role of First Nations communities, architects moving to Australia will find an exciting and diverse career landscape, writes Mark Middleton

  • Chelsea Flower Show - 100 years

    Made in Chelsea


    Some of the highlights of this week’s Chelsea Flower Show

  • Blogs

    The ipad and architects' websites


    Is there anyone left in the Western world who doesn't know Apple released a new product today? But how much do architects really care...Well, enough to spend some time mocking up visualisations involving the new ipad apparently.This concept deisgn for an interactive ipad wall was created by Australian practice ClarkeHopkinsClarke ...

  • Blogs

    Practices with blogs


    Just before Christmas one of New Junkie's favourite bloggers Swiss Miss asked her readers to name architectural practices with a blog integrated into their website...She got 103 replies, of which a few were either not architects at all or weren't worth the effort to click on the link. But the ...

  • Blogs

    Prince vs Preservationists, Gropius under threat and nudity in New York


    It's time for another news round up and this one is quite entertaining, even if News Junkie does say so herself. In Paris, a member of the Qatari royal family is attracting the wrath of architects, but not for the same reasons he would in dear old England. Meanwhile in ...

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    Calatrava justifies his budget and Holl revels in controversy


    News Junkie is back with the news round up which today features an Australian ex-Trade Union boss and Calatrava justifying the huge price tag for the World Trade Centre hub.Plus Stephen Holl enjoying controversy in Norway, the nano homes that could help solve Mumbai's chronic shortage of affordable housing and ...

  • Blogs

    A shiny shortlist and fast-tracking the registration process in Japan and New Zealand


    If only all competitions made the shortlist public... the entries for the Calgary National Music Centre tell you nearly everything you need to know about the practices on the shortlist.In other news, the UAE struggles to produce innovative architects says a local tutor (not really news, but nice to ...

  • Blogs

    An Obamy urban policy?


    It has finally happened; Obama has remembered that Urban regeneration was a key part of his pre-election policies. You can watch the video of his speech on the White House website, but cynics like News Junkie will want actions rather than words.Elsewhere, Murcutt blames fusty planning officials for lacklustre architecture ...

  • Blogs

    America's climate change bill, architectural sudoku spin off and Gehry's new shack


    It's been a busy few days in the architecture journalism world; Frank Gehry, airports in India, an Israeli architect's Sudoku spin off, America's Climate Change bill, Guerrilla architects in Sydney...It's a bumper edition of international news junkie, but one we hope will leave you very satisfied indeed.House Passes Bill ...

  • Blogs

    Moscow takes matters into its own hands, Rem gets reduced and RMJM eyes up Iraq


    All those projects that have gone on hold in Moscow may get a new lease of life after City Hall showed a bit of initiative and took matters into its own hands by setting up a group to buy land off the developers.Elsewhere in the world Rem Koolhaas' tower in ...

  • Blogs

    Ennis House hits the market and Dubai is down but not out


    Despite the best efforts of the Ennis House Foundation, Frank Lloyd Wright's house has hit the market and is being sold as a private property for a cool $15 million. Seems that keeping the house in good working order was just too expensive for the Foundation to keep paying out.Also ...

  • Blogs

    Libeskind goes prefab and Frank Lloyd Wright's equal opportunities approach


    It seems that Frank Lloyd Wright, a man whose relationships with women in his private life are infamously scandalous, was actually an early leader in employing female architects. So no more excuses from the profession please; if it could be done then then there's no reason why women shouldn't be ...

  • Blogs

    Elitism in Australia and Renzo Piano on working through the recession


    Renzo says his studio isn't really feeling the effects of the recession, which is nice for him if a little galling for everyone that is. But that doesn't mean he isn't empathetic. Apparently, after the Pompidou, Renzo got no work for years and he now sees leaner times as an ...

  • Blogs

    New York New York plus Graft's Russian Jewish Museum


    It's a pretty New York heavy news round up today, with more rumblings from Atlantic Yards, the opening of the High Line and New York University's new building proposal.Thom Mayne has been announced as artist in residence for the LA film festival, and SanDiegoans (is that right?) are protesting against ...

  • Blogs

    The three R's of architecture - recession, registration and regeneration


    The registration debate takes a complicated twist with a story about foreign architects working on projects in Thailand. It looks like there may be change in the law to make the relationship a bit more above board, after one Thai architect registered a complaint about Amanda Levete ArchitectsRegistration also rears ...